
Scorpio and Scorpio

These two water signs will feel very attracted to each other and sex that is to be established between them will be the most explosive in the early days of the relationship. However, when these signs want to take on a stable relationship, they will start encountering many problems, as both are stubborn and want to be right about everything.

The best achievements that can be expected of these signs are relations of friendship and, if they know to reach good agreements, relationships in the family. They are determined and both bet at a maximum for their family. Having a stable relationship in which there are children, will be something that can be done without problems, but to get to this point they must go through many others that will require them to learn to talk, understand and not to disrespect one another. Their friendship is strong and very sincere, but both will want to be right in everything and this can put a group of friends in a dull mood on more than one occasion.

They are signs that you can trust and are very loyal in all respects. There are achievements that can be gotten out of this relationship if both know to be in place, and will be on the economic side and the family, but will have problems with documents and housework. They need to establish order and generate a lot of trust in each other.

How to attract a Scorpio?

Scorpio man

Scorpio woman

Scorpio love and relationship

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